Saturday, 20 February 2010

You heard them on your holidays and brought them back home with you.  Then, local clubs would pick up on the tunes and play them as well.  You never thought you would hear them again and they come back to haunt you time and time again.  takes a look at these .  My own personal favorite has to be the Ketchup Song as it brings back fabulous memories of my time in Barcelona a few years ago.  I was lucky enough to go around the Easter time and the street parties were fabulous.

This collection comes with links to YouTube videos of all the songs involved - and if you have some time to while away is a fun way of doing just that.

One I remember particularly was around the corner from the hotel where myself and friends were staying.  The roads were blocked off in the neighborhood and it was obviously a private local affair.  We lingered at the periphery a while and were just about to go when a big old Spanish lady came up and beckoned us in. We had the time of our lives and the best memory I have of that evening is doing the with the Spanish Senoritas!