Anyone who owns a personal computer must rely on a mouse of some kind, to navigate from place to place within the confines of the desktop screen. The majority of PCs include a mouse with purchase, but not ones like these.
Nuns are only human and as such they deserve a little time out to kick back and relax. Here discover, through some amazing photographs, the hitherto rarely seen world of nuns having fun in the sun and learn a little about their world and ways.
Fox Mulder, some time FBI agent and alien hunter has secretly leaked his X-File investigation in to the Olympic swimmer and gold medalist Michael Phelps. Read on and discover the truth behind Phelps' outstanding performance. The truth is out there.
So, you're bored. You have a hamster. You have heard that famous actors do it, renowned comedians do it, celebrities do it, why even the man in the street does it, so why shouldn't you? Go on, give in to temptation! Here, discover even more things you can do with your hamster when you're bored.
Death in the domain of the insects can be swift and cruel but retains a magnificence and beauty that is somehow at odds with the brutality of what is happening. Take a look at this collection of awesome photographs and see whether or not you agree - but beware! This is not for the squeamish!
September promises to be a great month for movie fans. Here we present the top 10 movie trailers for the month, so you can decide beforehand which films you are likely to visit at your local theater.
Thousands of years ago, cats were worshiped as gods. They have never forgotten this and they have been plotting their usurpation of humanity for hundreds of years. Here, we present the definitive photographic proof, so there can no longer be any doubt in your mind that cats are evil and plan world domination.
"There once was an ugly duckling," goes the old song. This could not be more true of these stunning butterflies and their most peculiar caterpillars. Another opportunity to scratch your head at the vagaries of Mother Nature, take a look at this pictorial proof of butterfly beauty and caterpillar creepiness!
There are parts of the internet that are just down right weird, strange, or simply have no seeming purpose whatsoever. They may just make you laugh, sigh or go and do something more interesting instead. Take a look at the far side of the Internet.
Love them or hate them, beards are, for some men, an important statement about, well, being a man. For some it goes way beyond this, even. Beards and moustaches are transformed from an everyday statement to a work of art. Take a glimpse in to this world, but please don’t have too much of a hair-raising experience!
Ever wondered what's going on in your pet's mind? Take a look and discover the horrifying truth! You will never look at your pet in the same way again!
Have you ever wondered what you would look like with a turban, or even a facelift? Do you want to produce fabulous text without resorting to Word Art. Do all this and lots more with these 10 fatastic, fun, and free online applications.
Let's take a trip down memory lane and recap on those invaluable lessons that mothers have passed down from time immemorial. Sit back, buckle up and prepare to go back to therapy.
Obviously the world’s oceans are known to support the majority of the planet’s fish species, but did you know that there are monsters patrolling the world’s fresh waters that are as big as the cars that we drive or can swallow a person whole if they were hungry enough?
When traveling for your vacation, there are many ways you can do it. You can stay at a hotel or do it yourself and go self-catering. You can stay fixed in one place or travel around. Whichever way you chose to spend the holiday, you may find these tips handy, if not downright useful.
Around the world, graffiti artists are creating street art pieces to express their opinions on George W Bush and the current state of American affairs. Here is a great selection.
By Mark Gordon Borwn. Art is not just a pretty picture, nor is it something produced only to be disgusting. Art is the work of an artist who pours his or her soul onto the paper, or canvas.
In Singapore, August is the only month that the ‘hell gates’ are opened for all ghosts to receive food and drinks as well as all other forms of offerings burnt for them. Find out more about the Hungry Ghost Festival - and there's no sign of the boys from "Supernatural".
With a massive and unprovoked attack launched against them by the forces of CATLIT, dogs have had little choice other than to retaliate. Here is presented photographic evidence on their strike back agains the feline threat.
It's a shame when once proud and upstanding superheroes fall from grace. Here, in exclusive pictures, we show you the steady decline and final downfall of Spider-Man, from the good times to the final humiliation.
For every winning innovation in furniture design, there are dozens of designs gone bad. But failure isn't always absolute, and some design mistakes are every bit as spectacular as the successes.
People are as numerous and diverse as pebbles on a beach. Most, though, will have some sort of morning ritual, designed to start the day. For many of them, that will involve the wondrous potion known to the world as coffee. Here are ten things that people do while they take their morning coffee. Do you recognize yourself here?
Famous actors do it, renowned comedians do it, celebrities do it, why even the man in the street does it, so why shouldn't you? Here, discover eleven things (lists of ten are so last year!) you can do with your hamster when you're bored.
Chemotherapy for Kids Rebranded as Superhero Formula - [image: 1] [image: 2] The A.C.Camargo Cancer Center in São Paul, Brazil wanted to make the brutal experience of chemotherapy easier on children. The ad ...
- The photograph of the Holmes family hiding from a violent bushfire in Tasmania was shared around the world. But what became of them? In a unique *multimed...
- Who will replace Matt Smith? That's the question today on a lot of lips. It only seems like five minutes since David Tennant uttered the words "*I don'...
- *History of Stonea Camp brought to life by archaeologist and storyteller* David Crawford-White, of Oxford Archaeology East, spoke about the history and arc...
Nightmare Alien - Have you ever wanted to look away but simply couldn’t? I think that’s how I felt (still not sure) watching this footage taken by Friedhelm Fischer. It’s...
- The Las Vegas IWW at May Day 2013 The Las Vegas Industrial Workers of the World will be holding our official monthly meeting on Saturday, May 4th at 4pm a...
5 Ways To Blog When You Don't Want To - *Sometimes I just don’t want to blog. Face it, you don’t sit down at the computer every day and think, “Wow, I am so excited to blog today! Let’s see wh...
- Feel like an ice cream and live in London? Then you should watch out for the Orange Ice Cream Van, but wait, London is a big place right? It may not c...
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