Monday, 3 May 2010

A Different Approach to Drug Rehab

In California there is a different approach to drug rehab for young people that is fast gaining ground.  You may think of rehab in terms of being in a hospital, looked after by nurses who can be as crazy as the lady in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest.  Think again.

Sober College is quite an extraordinary approach to rehab that models the institution on an educational level.  In other words, this rehab center looks, feels and to all intents and purposes like a college and is open to people in the 17-25 age range.

Any young adults in need of a sober environment are considered as long as the desire is there to work on their process of recovery.  Take a look at their website – it really is quite a special place.


Anne Lyken-Garner said...

Sounds like an idea that could work.